This course builds on the skills and concepts of Microsoft Office Suite (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook and MS OneNote). Students will learn how to navigate through the Microsoft Office ecosystem efficiently, and they will start working with intermediate to advanced functions, where they will focus on preparing projects, where they will start with MS Word which is mainly used for writing – where they will focus on preparing the drafts and reports of the project, after which they will start working on MS Excel which is mainly used for data analytics – where they will analyze all of the data related the project, after which the delegates will work with MS PowerPoint – which is mainly used for presentation – where they will prepare and present the findings, finally the participants will work with MS Outlook – which is the emailing system of Microsoft where the participants will understand how to submit their projects.
The participants will learn how to work more collaboratively and more effectively using a suite of productivity-enhancing applications.
Create and maintain professional-looking reports, multi-column newsletters, résumés, and business correspondence.
Create a spreadsheet, work with formulas and functions, make your spreadsheets look professional, and print a spreadsheet.
The participants will learn how to create, save, and present a basic presentation; apply the basics of formatting; and add multimedia to a presentation.
At Skillsoft, we believe every individual has the poten-tial to be amazing. Our vision is to unleash that poten-tial through the power of learning. As the world’s largest provider of professional digital learning, Skill-soft delivers: • Online learning that includes a broad catalogue of in-demand topics, built with deep expertise in the subject matter and scientifically proven learning science; • Engaging learning experiences ranging from micro-learning to complete journeys and professional certifications that have impacted nearly half a billion people worldwide and certified more IT professionals than any firm on the planet; and • A powerful, flexible, and engaging cloud-native plat-form designed to seamlessly integrate both with lead-ing HCM solutions and the natural flow of work. Unlike other providers, Skillsoft is inclusive, with learning options for all. Our effectiveness, variety and global reach are unmatched.
محتوى الدورة التدريبية
Part 1
MS Excel
Unit 1: Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts → Topic A: Working with PivotTables → Topic B: Rearranging PivotTables → Topic C: Formatting PivotTables → Topic D: Using Pivot ChartsUnit 2: Cell and Range Names → Topic A: Creating and using names → Topic B: Managing names Unit 3: Advanced Formatting → Topic A: Using special number formats → Topic B: Using functions to format text → Topic C: Working with styles → Topic D: Working with themes → Topic E: Other advanced formatting Unit 4: Macros and Custom Functions → Topic A: Running and recording a macro → Topic B: Working with VBA code → Topic C: Creating functions Unit 5: Logical And Statistical Functions → Topic A: Logical functions → Topic B: Math and statistical functions Unit 6: Financial And Date Functions → Topic A: Financial functions → Topic B: Date and time functions → Topic C: Array formulas → Topic D: Displaying and printing formulas Unit 7: Advanced Data Management → Topic A: Validating cell entries → Topic B: Exploring database functions Unit 8: Lookups and Data Tables → Topic A: Using lookup functions → Topic B: Using MATCH and INDEX → Topic C: Creating data tables Unit 9: Advanced Charting → Topic A: Chart formatting options → Topic B: Combination charts → Topic C: Graphical elements Unit 9: Organizing Items → Topic A: Folders & Rules → Topic B: Basic & Advanced Search → Topic C: Filtering → Topic D: Categories Unit 10: Mailbox Management → Topic A: Managing your mailbox → Topic B: Archiving your mail Unit 11: Sharing Calendars and Contacts → Topic A: share your calendar → Topic B: Share your contacts → Topic C: Delegate Access to OutlookFolders Unit 12: Mail Merges and Templates → Topic A: Performing mail merges → Topic B: Working with templates
Part 2
MS PowerPoint
Unit 1: Getting Startedwith PowerPoint → Topic A: Navigate the PowerPointEnvironment → Topic B: Create and Save a Presentation → Topic C: Use Help Unit 2: Developing aPowerPoint Presentation → Topic A: Select a Presentation Type → Topic B: View and Navigate a Presentation → Topic C: Edit Text → Topic D: Build a Presentation Unit 3: Customizing Design Templates → Topic A: Modify Slide Masters and SlideLayouts → Topic B: Add Headers and Footers → Topic C: Modify the Notes Master and theHandout Master Unit 4: Adding GraphicalElements to Your Presentation → Topic A: Insert Clip Art and Images → Topic B: Insert Shapes Unit 5: Adding Tables to YourPresentation → Topic A: Create a Table → Topic B: Format a Table → Topic C: Insert a Table from OtherMicrosoft Office Applications Unit 6: Adding Charts to YourPresentation → Topic A: Create a Chart → Topic B: Format a Chart → Topic C: Insert a Chart from Microsoft Excel Unit 7: Preparing to DeliverYour Presentation → Topic A: Review Your Presentation → Topic B: Apply Transitions → Topic C: Print Your Presentation → Topic D: Deliver Your Presentation Unit 8: Modifying thePowerPoint Environment → Topic A: Customize the User Interface → Topic B: Set PowerPoint 2013 Options → Unit 9: Adding SmartArt to a Presentation → Topic A: Create SmartArt → Topic B: Modify SmartArt
Part 3
MS Word
Unit 1: Styles and Outlines → Topic A: Examining formatting → Topic B: Creating styles → Topic C: Modifying styles → Topic D: Working with outlines Unit 2: Sections and Columns → Topic A: Creating and formatting sections → Topic B: Working with columns Unit 3: Templates and Building Blocks → Topic A: Template basics → Topic B: Building blocks → Topic C: Document properties Unit 4: Using Mail Merge → Topic A: Form letters → Topic B: Data sources for the recipient list → Topic C: Mailing labels and envelope Unit 5: Using Macros → Topic A: Recording and running macros → Topic B: Modifying and deleting macros Unit 6: Working with Forms → Topic A: Creating forms → Topic B: Protecting forms → Topic C: Sharing and securing documents Unit 7: Customizing Word → Topic A: Customizing the Ribbon → Topic B: Customizing the Quick Accesstoolbar → Topic C: Customizing keyboard shortcuts Unit 8: Long Documents → Topic A: Master documents → Topic B: Tables of contents and figures → Topic C: Indexes, bibliographies, and otherreferences → Topic D: Bookmarks and cross-references → Topic E: Web frames
Part 4
MS Outlook and MS OneNote
Unit 1: Getting Started → Topic A: The program window → Topic B: Outlook Today → Topic C: Getting help Unit 2: E-mail Management → Topic A: Setting message options → Topic B: Managing junk e-mail → Topic C: Using Search folders → Topic D: Printing messages and attachments Unit 3: Customizing Messages → Topic A: Message appearance → Topic B: Signatures → Topic C: Voting buttons → Topic D: Out-of-office messages Unit 4: Contacts → Topic A: Working with contacts → Topic B: Using contact groups → Topic C: Using the People Pane Unit 5: Tasks → Topic A: Working with tasks → Topic B: Managing tasks Unit 6: Appointments and Events → Topic A: Creating and sendingappointments → Topic B: Modifying appointments → Topic C: Working with events → Topic D: Using Calendar views Unit 7: Meeting Requestsand Responses → Topic A: Scheduling meetings → Topic B: Managing meetings Unit 8: Customizing Outlook → Topic A: The Outlook environment → Topic B: General options → Topic C: Language and keyboard options → Topic D: Quick Steps → Topic E: The Navigation pane Unit 9: Organizing Items → Topic A: Folders & Rules → Topic B: Basic & Advanced Search → Topic C: Filtering → Topic D: Categories Unit 10: Mailbox Management → Topic A: Managing your mailbox → Topic B: Archiving your mail Unit 11: SharingCalendars and Contacts → Topic A: share your calendar → Topic B: Share your contacts → Topic C: Delegate Access to OutlookFolders Unit 12: Mail Merges and Templates → Topic A: Performing mail merges → Topic B: Working with templates
Part 5
MS One Note
Lesson 1: GettingStarted with OneNote → Topic A: Navigate the OneNote 2016Environment → Topic B: Use Templates → Topic C: Customize the OneNote UserInterface Lesson 2: Adding and FormattingNotebook Content → Topic A: Apply Formatting to NotebookContent → Topic B: Insert Images and Audio into aNotebook → Topic C: Add Quick Notes and Links → Topic D: Use Drawing Tools Lesson 3: Embeddingand Attaching Files → Topic A: Embed Excel Spreadsheets → Topic B: Attach Other File Types Lesson 4: Organizing andSearching Notebooks → Topic A: Use Tags → Topic B: Organize and Search Notebooks Lesson 5: Finalizing a Notebook → Topic A: Proof and Print a Notebook → Topic B: Configure Password Protectionand Notebook Properties Lesson 6: Managing Notebook Files → Topic A: Export Content from OneNoteNotebooks → Topic B: Back Up and Restore NotebookContent Lesson 7: Sending and SharingOnenote Content → Topic A: Send OneNote Content in OtherFormats → Topic B: Share OneNote Content by UsingOneDrive
على من يجب الحضور؟
This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for
This course is intended for every modern day professional who wishes to get a better understanding on the Microsoft Office package, through which will utilize fully the functions of the Microsoft Ecosystem.
الدورات ذات الصلة
AR What language will the course be taught in and what level of English do I need to take part in an LEORON training program?
AR Most of our public courses are delivered in English language. You need to be proficient in English to be able to fully participate in the workshop and network with other delegates. For in-house courses we have the capability to train in Arabic, Dutch, German and Portuguese.
AR Are LEORON Public courses certified by an official body/organization?
AR LEORON Institute partners with 20+ international bodies and associations.We also award continuing professional development credits (CPE/PDUs) for:1. NASBA (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy) 2. Project Management Institute PDUs 3. CISI credits 4. GARP credits 5. HRCI recertification credits 6. SHRM recertification credits
AR What is the deadline for registering to a public course?
AR The deadline to register for a public course is 14 days before the course starts. Kindly note that occasionally we do accept late registrations as well, but this needs to be confirmed with the project manager of the training program or with our registration desk that can be reached at +91 4 95 5711 or [email protected].
AR What does the course fee cover?
AR The course fee covers a premium training experience in a 5-star hotel, learning materials, lunches & refreshments, and for some courses, the certification fee and membership with the accrediting bodies.
AR Does LEORON give discounts?
AR Yes, we can provide discounts for group bookings. If you would like to discuss a discount on a corporate level, we will be happy to talk to you.
AR IAMM Internal Audit Maturity Model
AR In recognition of their dedication and contribution supporting IKEA Saudi Arabia in arranging training programs during 2017 & 2018, looking forward for more development and exciting effort this year. On behalf of IKEA Saudi Arabia, THANK YOU!
Dalal Kutbi
AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
AR Dating back to 2014, Mobily’s “LEORON” experience has grown from a single collaboration to a long-term partnership. We consider “LEORON” Institute as a strategic partner, whose contribution has been nothing but premium in equipping our staff with field-based knowledge and information. Past three years have resulted with an expanded collaboration with superior customer service and support. Best Regards,
Turki S. Alsahaan
AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
AR Since the partnership was signed between BAE Systems Saudi Development & Training and LEORON in 2017, we have been working together to offer the Saudi market a complete portfolio of training solutions benefiting from the wide and extensive experience of both parties. Recognizing the great success of this partnership, we are looking for further collaborations in the future that will position both companies as one of the leading training providers in Saudi Arabia. We thank the LEORON team for their full cooperation and continuing support, and look forward to further success together in the years to come.
Emad Alrajih
AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
AR We have been working with LEORON for the past two years and will be working with them again this upcoming year. The programs they delivered were fruitful and exciting and our organization has received positive feedback from the participants. What our organization aims to do is to provide at no cost training for all the private sector employees so that they may benefit from our offered programs in Innovation and Professional development. LEORON has helped us achieve this goal. We look forward to continuing this service and wish them the best of luck. Regards,