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How Sustainability And Digitalization Go Hand In Hand

Leoron Press Service
July 5, 2022

In this day and age, sustainability and digitization are said to be “two of the most powerful market influences in today’s corporate landscape”, according to an article by MITSloan. Companies today are using a variety of digital tools to assess the environmental costs of doing business, while new technologies are creating sustainable methods of innovation. While there is no reversing the damage of climate change, what we can do from here on out is to consciously address the issue of carbon emissions on each of our agendas. Verizon Connect stresses how businesses across the globe need to operate in as green a manner as they can. This is especially true of the global supply chains, which are some of the biggest emitters of carbon emissions. With the rise of global warming along with constantly growing populations, finding the systems and solutions to combat the increase of urbanization is the key to success. Like Steve Steckler mentions in a previous article, it is vital to possess a digital mindset in thinking about what is valued and how the work gets done. There are a number of ways companies can do this, especially when they leverage digital tools to push for sustainability:

Improving sustainability pledges and workplace policies

Corporate education should be geared towards making companies aware of the costs of doing business. The Financial Times reports how “social enterprises, impact investment and sustainability consulting are looking for candidates with global profiles, and entrepreneurial and sustainability mindsets.” As a result of this, students who eventually become leaders and movers of their workplace need to see the value of improving sustainability pledges and creating sustainable workplace policies, like energy management and water conservation. Furthermore, "CEOs need to reduce climate pollution within their own company operations, and they also need to unleash the most powerful tool they have to fight climate change: their political influence," says Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense Fund. As a result, E-learning is one flexible and accessible way to gain knowledge about how to instill these environmental practices.

Digital communication to eliminate paper waste

In many businesses, unnecessary memos, minutes of meetings, and other text are often printed on single-use paper, contributing to overall waste. In order to reduce the large quantities of paper used, going digital is your best alternative. Switching from paper forms to digital forms offers ease of cataloging, while switching from clipboards to tablets also increases efficiency and mobility. Furthermore, paper-based systems tend to be outdated when it comes to providing business intelligence. Analyzing digital data and using it effectively is much easier in comparison, especially across a centralized database. Because of this, identifying problems and resolving them should be a much easier process. If you must use paper, Science Alert suggests using both sides, printing in draft mode, and reducing margin settings.

Document clouds to access work-related software

According to an article by BizTech, more and more small businesses are shifting to a cloud business model. One financial benefit is that shifting to a subscription-based pricing model gives you greater certainty regarding software costs, which is good for those who have cash-flow concerns. Furthermore, scalability is also easier. “Instead of deploying new data center equipment as the business grows, it can simply pay for cloud services as it needs them. This also removes the need to anticipate future growth and avoids overprovisioning, as cloud infrastructure can be scaled up or down as needed.” However, corporate transformation can be a difficult process. That’s why considering your business goals and assessing your overall readiness for a shift towards the cloud is crucial before making any changes. An additional training period may also be required for your staff during this transition in order for them to maximize the benefits of cloud computing software.

Ultimately, prioritizing sustainability in the age of digitalization involves learning about the various solutions and methods to promote a greener planet. With the use of digital tools, educating workers and spreading awareness about the environment’s plight will go a long way in ensuring a cleaner future.

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